Thursday, January 29, 2015

#January Joy: Have a clear out / Get organised

It is a thing right? As a new year starts, we want to start clear and fresh, get rid of the old, cleanse and declutter the home in order to let the light arrive.

Very early this year (I think it was January 2) the American Book Center organized a trade-in day where you could bring in your old books and get book certificates in exchange, so off we went. The books that were not accepted were either donated or deposited in a Little Free Library. 

We wanted to liberate space in the lower shelves of our beloved Expedit bookshelf in order to arrange baskets of toys for Yu to discover. Since she started crawling she kept putting books and cables down to munch them and I was tired of telling her "don't touch this", or "don't touch that"; when in reality I want her to be able to discover and explore everything in as free (as possible) a way. In the meantime I threw away a bunch of really old magazines and newspaper that I have the bad habit of collecting, we got a few plastic buckets and tins to store her "surprises" and it all looks fresher and cleaner.

This is the result. Did you have a January cleanse, massive throw away, renewal?


  1. jajaja cambiaste tus libros por juguetes!!!! hola amanda siempre te leo perdoname si ultimamente no escribo mucho, apenas medio coloco post en el blog por que edoardo no me da tiempo. sabes nosotros hicimos lo mismo, nuestra casa es chiquitica y necesitamos espacio asi que libros fuera, arriba los juguetes y ropa! esa bilioteca del ikea es comodisiiiiima.
    Gracias por tus consejos los llevo acabo y son muy utiles, afortunadamente la ayuda de mi mama estos meses sera muy valiosa.
    Tienes una bebe preciosa
    Un fuerte abrazo

    1. Hola Fer, no te preocupes :) Entiendo perfectamente, es el primer mes de Edoardo, los preciosos bebes absorben la mayoria del tiempo y es complicado hasta hacer las cosas mas basicas, yo hasta la fecha siento ue vivo corriendo.

      Soy fan de esos libreros, son tan bonitos, se pueden usar para dividir recamaras, y con los huecos dan mucha vida.

      Y si, definitivamente hay que escoger lo que necesitamos y quedarnos con lo esencial.

      Disfruta mucho a tu mama, es un momento muy especial para las 2, asi como para Edoardo.
      Gracias y un abrazo!


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